Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Goose

We were so effective at getting the Goose, it took Kenya a couple days to even realize the Goose was gone.
Now you might say, weren't you part of Kenya Hill last year? And you would be correct. Last year. This year I am in Hungary, and all the rules changed. No longer would Kenya be able to be the sole owner, or owner at all. The Goose has freedom too, thus, The Goose Liberation Squad was formed.
Things went well.
But the Goose Squad was unhappy.
This motley crew actually thought, that once Andrew Hoagland had hidden the Goose, they could find it. Of course they were not alone in the hunt. It seemed once the knowledge of the Goose's escape became public, everyone wanted it for themselves. Dissention became a common trait among old friends.
All for the Goose.
IDP (International Discipleship Program, also last years previous owners), Kenya, and others all tried to break into my room. Luckily Hungary upper responded promptly, and we always took care of them. Goose: protected.
After about a week, things got boring, to up the ante, and make things adventurous I talked to Morgan Garber and Naomi Elliot. Together they set up a Wild Goose Hunt, ironic, right?
Goose Hunt: It started well, Morgan and Naomi had everything set up, all the clues in place, a royal scavenger hunt was sure to take place. And boy, did one take place. What Morgan thought would take a couple days, was quickly cut down into a day and a half.
Not including the last clue. That one stumped everyone, including me. It took days to figure out. The clue was to the song "Sadis Hawkins Dance" by Relient K, but was rewritten in a very clever manner. A challenging manner.
But it only lasted for so long, together, with some friends, I was able to piece everything together, and the clue was solved. Before IDP and Kenya (who were working together)!
Everything was in place to get the Goose, the last clue was solved, and the person detaining the Goose was acquired.
But that wasn't it, the man, Jeff Lewis, assistant dean of men here at WOLBI (Word Of Life Bible Institute), hid the Goose. So no one, NO ONE, could find him.
Goose: On hiatus.
The Goose may not be possessed by any "side," but one day he will emerge, and until that day, I say to the Goose "Fly Free, you always were a wild one!"
Saturday, April 24, 2010
3 years old

But the point of the story follows after this weekend. The day 4/10/2010. By this point the Hunt For The Goose (more to follow) was raging. To try and get ahead, or just scare the other team, I planned on kidnapping a member of the opposing team. I planned it all out; got my friends together (and might I add, if it weren't for me, half the things we did wouldn't be accomplished), got rope, found a car, got a good bag to cover the face of the victim, and everything.
We all went our own ways, to make things follow through correctly. And that was when I got a message on Facebook to arrive early. I thought (ignorantly) that the victim was arriving earlier than planned, if only I knew. I got there, waited around, and just like in a movie, Ifound out the guy we were suppose to kidnap knew what we had planned, and that is when it happened. Darkness. A bag, MY bag, descended on my head, a classmate tackled me, and my arms were pulled behind me.
But if you think that is the end of the story, think again.
Andrew Hoagland doesn't go down without a fight.
Mind you, you cannot see the time lapse, but it took a good 3-6 minutes to get me on the ground, bound and gagged. Not only that, but you can see the amount of people that were involved. All I knew was was that I was being kidnapped, some how the guy we were suppose to get knew, and now I was the one in the bag. Anyone would fight. Even if it was "friends."
But once they got me, there was still more of a battle for them to have. They tried to put me in the car, but I wouldn't allow that. I used all my force, all my calf muscles had to offer, all my Secret agent knowledge to use. And that was effective for about two minutes. But once in the car, and this is my shinning moment, I waited until the person (Owen Walsh) sat down in the seat across from me, and when he did, I used all the power I had to donkey kick him out of the car. A note, this guy was a miniture truck, but I was still able to send him rolling out of the car. Only to be tackled by him two seconds later.
They finally were able to get the car closed, and start off. But I was not done yet! As we drove, I slowly worked on the knots that held my hands. When Owen was getting to nosy (he noticed that I was unshackled) I karate chopped him in the neck. Not the smartest move, but that is when the fun really began. With Owen next to me, Adam Davenport behind me, Jessica Pezzente cackling in the back, and Jamie Griffiths and Gaby Gonzalez driving, I fought with everything I had. They kept trying to calm me down, but you do NOT kidnap someone, even a friend, and expect them to be calm.
Especailly Andrew Hoagland.
One, I am from Maine,
Two, Andrew is the one to initiate anything,
Three, I'm Andrew.
'Nough Said.
So after 10 minutes of kidnapping, 7 minutes of driving, and many gashes and brusies later, we arrived at Stuarts (One of the best Ice cream places EVER. It also sells gas...).
They claim it was a birthday present.
One, I planned it,
Two, it was a week late, and wouldn't have happened had I not planned it ALL,
Three, come on...
Am I saying I didn't have a good time?
but now I have Owen's blood forever on my favorite flannel.
And just a hint, next time someone tries to kidnap me, they better be ready.